Printing Services

Personalized Message Headers Printed Free
When You Order one of our letter boards, a message text box is available to type in your own personalized message. We will print it in Black Helvetica Font in ALL CAPS. You can present your company name, organization, school, team, restaurant name, menu specials, building and address, tenant directory, church, information, events or other message to attract attention. Please keep your message header short and simple for greater visibility.

Send Your Header Text Message When Ordering
Located above the grooved letter board panel is the 5” high white header panel to clearly identify who the message is from or what the message is about or what you would like to say. Type in your personalized message in the TEXT BOX located in the Place your order Box at the bottom of the product page. Keep it simple and short. Or leave it blank and you can print your own header later.
Custom Letter Board Headers or Keep it Blank
You have the option to prominently display your logo or title of your company, church, school, or organization. Get exactly what you want by uploading a digital file with a Black/White or Color custom message, logo or image. Or keep the header message BLANK if you want to add your own header or have your printer or sign company create one for you to insert after you receive the letter board display. There is an additional upcharge for custom headers. Contact us for a Quote or info on printing your header or read about Image Upload Files.
Headers for Numerous Frames & Display Cases
Choose from a wide range of letterboards that come with message header panels including; Open Face Wood Framed Letter Boards and Metal Framed Letter Boards, Outdoor Enclosed Letter Boards, Indoor Letter Board Display Cases, SwingFrame Floor Standing and Wall Mounted Designer Letter Boards, 1 and 2 Door Letter Boards and other changeable letter board display styles.
Free Sprue Letter Set Included
All Letter Board Displays, with vinyl or felt grooved panel come with 3/4" White Plastic Helvetica Letters and Numbers (290 Characters).
Additional Plastic Letter Sets are Available for Purchase in 1/2", 3/4", 1", 2", 3" Letter Heights. Choose from breakaway sprue letter-sets or boxed letter sets with White Helvetica Fonts and Times Roman Fonts. White Letterboards are also available with black letter sets.
For Additional Information or any Questions Call our Friendly Custom Service Team at 844-409-1139.